Monday, May 14, 2012

Dancing with Jesus

I’ve always loved to watch people dance together.  It seems like such a small thing but you can really see those couples that are in sync with each other and those who aren’t.  Those who are overthinking where their feet are supposed to be and those who just go with the flow.  As I learned this weekend at a retreat you can also look at your relationship with Jesus as a dance.

Are you the partner that allows Jesus to lead you or do you try to lead Him where you want to go?  Are you the partner so focused on not making the wrong step that you miss the joy in the dance? 

When I think of being the dancer, I think of how awkward I usually am.  I loose sight of the fun in dancing when I am focused on not stepping on my partners feet, or I am counting out the steps in my head, or the simple fact that I can’t see my path.  When I was younger I really liked line dancing.  It was easy steps to learn, no partner and I controlled my direction.  But dancing with Jesus???  It is the type of dancing I feel most awkward on.  I have to let Him lead, I can’t see my path, I don’t know the steps He is going to take me on, and I tend to overthink is this really the way He wants me to go?

Yet as I learned this weekend, dancing with Jesus is the best place to be!  He puts a song in my heart each morning.  He tells me the steps for the day as I read my Bible and pray.  He guides my path with a comforting hand.   It’s when I try to lead Jesus where I want to go that the steps become harder, I am off beat to the music, I take the wrong path by over thinking. 

More often than not I think we can all get caught up in the struggles that life has to offer us.  We loose sight of that comforting hand on our back that reassures us if we just follow Him we will be ok.  Or we are so focused on what we want that we don’t ask God what His will for us is, we just plow forward to get where we desire to be only to find out it wasn’t really what we desired.

So I'm going to listen to the song God puts in my heart each morning, rejoice in my blessings, and enjoy my dance with Jesus!