Monday, March 26, 2012

Live For Today!

One of my mom’s favorite verses to quote is “Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  Even though she loves to tell me this especially on the mornings when I really want to be back in bed sleeping as opposed to getting up and going to work, it has an even bigger meaning to my days.  The Lord has really been showing me that I need to focus only on today.  Not to dwell on the past things I can’t change or to worry about what tomorrow might bring, but to focus solely on today. 

When I go down the path of focusing on my past failures I am opening myself up to allowing Satan to play in my head.  Making those failures seem huge, insurmountable, and cause me to be less likely to try for fear of failure.  That fear of failure based on the past can cause us to stop dreaming, loving others, and to stop giving.  We fear the rejection and/or failure that we had experienced.  Just as the worry of what tomorrow will bring can cause us to hold back what we might do today. 

God doesn’t want us to live in a state of frustration, fear, depression, or anxiety.  He wants us to live a bold life of faith in Him that He will be our strength.  We need to focus less on how far we have left to go and start focusing on what progress we have made in our walk with God.  Think about how much you have changed since accepting God into your heart.  

So stop worrying about tomorrow and stop focusing on past failures that can’t be changed and focus on today!  Focus on what God has called you to do today.  Though we are all be tempted to get discouraged at times through our day we have to remember that God is in control and fighting your battles for you!  

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